When talking about getting any method of medical procedure, you will have many different concerns and questions. It is actually totally normal to know anything regarding with the procedure, from what the end results will be, if it hurts, as well as how the whole process will work including the post hair transplant situations. But, in this post, we will be focusing on scarring as well as what you can be able to expect to see right after a hair transplant procedure.

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure: How Does it Work?
Most reputable and qualified hair replacement and transplant clinic can offer their patients with the FUE or follicular unit extraction hair transplant procedure, in which the procedure will be done through removing hair follicles of the patient from one spot of the scalp, often at the back area of the neck as well as the sides of the scalp, using a specialized extraction tool, which has a diameter of less than 1mm. After that, the hair follicles are prepared under a microscope so that it will be ready for the hair transplant procedure.
Next, the hair follicles of the patient are then being transplanted to the scalp’s recipient area using a specialized micro surgical needled. After that, the hair follicles will then be implanted at a specific density and angle in order to mimic the patient’s natural hair grown and in order to make sure that the end result will look as natural hair as possible. Overall, the entire FUE hair transplant procedure is minimally invasive, which means there’s no need to fear when you need to undergo this kind of hair transplantation process. Aside from that, you will also remain totally conscious the entire time since only local aesthetics will be given to you.
Will the Procedure Result in Scarring?
Most professional hair transplant clinics only use the follicular unit extraction method of hair transplant since this kind of treatment is mainly minimally invasive and it also leaves the patients with minimal scarring. Since they individually remove hair follicles using their specialized extraction needles and tools, scarring will certainly be almost invisible.
On the other hand, other older methods of transplanting hair, like the FUT hair transplant procedure can definitely result in scarring the at the scalp’s back area because of the tissue’s large area that is being removed in order to be used for the hair transplantation.
How Can You Get Rid of Scarring?
As we have mentioned above, most professional and reputable clinics that conduct hair transplant procedures can use their revolutionary follicular unit extraction hair transplantation procedure in order to make sure that the result will be like normal with no any scarring left behind that are caused by older hair transplant methods like FUT. Furthermore, scarring at the scalp’s back area due to a hair transplant procedure can definitely be quite obvious since the hair wont’ be able to grow as well as cover the scar. This is why it’s best that you only choose a reputable and qualified hair transplant clinic to conduct the procedure.
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